Higher Expectations, Higher Achievement
Stokes-Beard Elementary strives to provide a high-quality education through strong curriculum and making sure every decision is in the best interest of students.
All Stokes-Beard students are provided with a school laptop as part of the district's 1-to-1 initiative.
Mississippi College and Career-Ready Standards
Our children deserve the best public education system the state can offer, which is why the Mississippi Department of Education has been increasing the rigor in instruction and testing. Mississippi students aren't just competing with their classmates and other students around the state for the jobs of tomorrow. In this global economy, our students must compete with students from across the country and the world.
If we are to prepare students successfully for college and the workforce, we need to set higher expectations to yield higher achievement.

What will Mississippi College- and Career-Ready Standards (MCCRS) mean to students and parents?
- With the MCCRS, parents will know exactly what their children should learn by the end of each grade level.
- The new standards are more rigorous and students will be learning important concepts in earlier grades.
- The MCCRS shifts instruction from high school completion to college- and career-readiness for every student.
- When the standards are fully implemented, parents will see that each grade covers fewer topics, but teaches content in much greater depth.
- Curriculum and assessments are evolving to align with the MCCRS.
- With the MCCRS, parents can be assured that their students are learning to the same high-quality standards as other students across the country.